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I'm sure you've noticed. 😂
Now, before I hop into the LIT philosophy, let me first give you the 4 Goals of our Programming.
✅ Goal #1: Both beginner and experienced coaches alike should be able to focus on coaching as opposed to frantically trying to scale 10 new people in class.
Result: Level Method's workouts are completely done for the gym owner with levels and scaling provided.
✅ Goal #2: Members need to stay excited and engaged with the programming because if they don't come to class, they won't improve.
Result: Level Method's Programming is designed to be both physically, mentally, and emotionally stimulating for athletes of all levels.
✅ Goal #3: Members should be consistently and eagerly working towards more well-rounded fitness.
Result: Level Method's Programming is founded upon solid energy system principles to ensure functional balance and includes things like recovery and accessory work.
✅ Goal #4: Implementing programming should be effortless from receipt to delivery -- systemized.
Result: Level Method's Programming makes it ridiculously easy and clear for any coach to understand, demonstrate, deliver at the highest standard requiring as little work as possible.
Ok, so now that you've got that foundation, let me explain the LIT Philosophy.
1) Levels. The big idea is that everyone in class has their own custom workout.
We want "Systematic Individualization in a Group Environment."
That means, we go beyond scaling, and beyond the "Rx."
The Rx should be unique to the person.
2) Intent. The big idea is that there's always a purpose.
We use fundamental energy system principles in both work-capacity and contraction-based worlds to identify and adjust stimulus.
And we simplify it so it's easy to talk to members about... so they can buy in.
3) Themes. The big idea here is structured variety.
Through the use of thematic architecture & planning, we can be sure to keep things fun, interesting, and smart.
Each month of the year has a specific make up that offers variance within the system.
But it also might not make much sense.
In either case, I encourage you to download 4 weeks for free to check it out and go a little deeper.
You'll see behind the scenes, and how the system works together.
As soon as you Download your 4 Weeks, I'll walk you through the entire program.